After establishing her name firmly within the pop scene through the gripping ideas and powerful songwriting on display throughout her debut single “Serenity” in 2017 and her remarkable EP “Brand New”(2020) – BB Thomaz returns in 21st May with an eclectic brand-new record “Aphrodite”
Growing up with various genre influences, the gifted artist has explored diverse tonalities from different genres, including pop, to create her distinctive sound, which outshines others in terms of both harmonic and vocal dexterity. Although BB Thomaz has remained a powerful voice in music since her breakthrough year in 2017 – her confidence, energy, creativity, and genuine passion for entertaining listeners have consistently gone UP alongside her songs on charts and playlists with every bold move forward she’s made as an artist.
Ready to unveil a gripping new single that fearlessly explores the theme of romance, BB dives deep into her innermost thoughts & emotions, delivering a sensory set of vibes listeners are sure to authentically feel connect right at the core of their souls. From its vividly melodic and atmospheric atmosphere to the breathtakingly vibrant performance of the song’s main star – “Aphrodite” reveals an exotic delicacy of hypnotic rhythmic intensity from BB’s stunningly articulate, unfiltered, and sincerely raw viewpoint.
The musical goddess, gifted with captivating vocal prowess, ignites a fire into her art, engulfing the minds of the listeners.
To listen to more of her music, or for interested parties to reach out to BB Thomaz for an interview on their site, podcast, or radio show, you can make contact via the information provided below: