Blanket Attack is a German-based quartet that originated in a small town in Germany, where an indestructible musical connection was sparked between its members, allowing them to blend their musical ideas in service of an eclectic style of music with roots in rock and funk, as well as classical and folk influences. Rock, classical, and funk by definition are intended to be fun, and Blanket Attack is here to be part of that as they deliver their unique blend of indie garage rock with alternative, classical, and surf influences.
With their ever-changing songwriting style, Blanket Attack is set to release a new rock-fueled masterpiece dubbed “Midnight Sin City.”
An impressively addicting tune, “Midnight Sin City” has so many strong elements; from the raw intensity of the guitar riffs to the fast bass lines, but it is that enticing vocal presentation that is more than guaranteed to capture your attention.
The seamless blend of the self-assured vocals and the skillful arrangement makes this an earworm. And the rhythm and the sing-along quality that are highlighted by the memorable hooks make it an irresistible anthem that cannot be denied by its listeners.
There are so many things that make one fall in love with a particular song; it could be the melodies and harmonies, the vocals, or the songwriting. I feel that when you blend all these together and add that extra captivating charm, then the track “Midnight Sin City” shines.
This track celebrates Blanket Attack’s distinctive set-up and storytelling, with that superb blend of melody and production strength that ultimately raises the bar even higher. The track’s arrangement has a feel-good, arena-ready sound with an unmistakable lead voice and a palpable degree of passion driving things in the right direction.
Simply put, “Midnight Sin City” is an authentic masterpiece you don’t want to miss out on!
To stay up-to-date with Blanket Attack, check out their website and follow them on Instagram.