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Berlin-Based Eclectic Pop Artist Broke Bunny Isn’t Messing Around in His Unquivering Message to Putin in the Tune “I Hate You (Putin)”

The idea that music has the power to transcend borders, languages, and cultural differences is what up-and-coming Berlin-based artist Broke Bunny has always relied on this as he engineers a musical culture of his own that cannot be replicated anywhere else. So, if you are looking for something unique, rich, and equally authentic to quench your thirst for sound versatility, then your search ends here with Broke Bunny—he is the guy for you. Embracing a type of sound that knows no boundaries in time or space, Bunny has been able to design a sort of dynamic sound while still managing to maintain his consistent brand as a pop musician!

“I Hate you (Putin)” is an example of his signature sound, one that is so diverse you wouldn’t manage to put a box over it. A track that has set the tone for his impeccable artistry, “I Hate You (Putin)” is as impactful as it is entertaining!

Seeking a different path in terms of condemning Putin’s latest atrocities against Ukraine, perhaps Putin will listen and slay his own demons before it is too late.There is an appropriately befitting lack of solemnity in Bunny’s delivery, but it does not in any way lessen the message he is trying to put across.

Infectious, catchy, and warm, the melodies have a defining futuristic aura that is significantly backed by the euphonious vocals to engineer an easily memorable track that is not easy to get off of your head once you listen to it, even if it’s just once!

The music video is just the perfect complement to this track, both in symbolism and storyline, as clown ‘Putin’ is made to answer for his crimes in a manner deemed fit by the judge, jury, and executioner Broke Bunny—he pleads guilty and passes the sentence because, in the end, this war has to stop and everyone has to be held accountable for their part in it!

To enjoy this tune, which was made with nothing but love and concern for the people of Ukraine, follow the attached link, subscribe to Broke Bunny’s YouTube channel, like it, and comment below on how you feel about Broke Bunny and his artistry!

Catch Up With Broke Bunny on:

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Founder of Tunepical, a blog dedicated to sharing my love of music with you. I believe that music is the key to life, and if you're listening to the right songs at the right time, everything is possible!

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