In the heart of Northern Nevada, Lynn Moe, the creative mastermind behind Cluster of Three, found his inspiration during the quiet moments of the 2020 lockdown. What started as a solo project evolved into a global collaboration, bringing together studio musicians from around the world to craft the debut album “One Man’s Weeds Another Man’s Garden.” With influences ranging from classic rock legends like Pink Floyd to the soul of R&B, Lynn’s work brings a unique blend of genres that resonates with fans seeking authenticity and depth in music. His new track, “Be There For You,” showcases not only his musical versatility but also his commitment to exploring emotional depths through thoughtful lyrics.
“Be There For You” is an alt-rock gem with a funky slap bass that immediately grabs attention. Lyrically, the song delves into the complexities of supporting someone with obsessive behaviors, exploring the delicate balance between care and frustration. Michael McQuaid’s lead vocals give the track an extra layer of raw emotion, while the global musical collaboration creates a dynamic backdrop that complements the heartfelt lyrics. If you’re ready for a song that not only gets your body moving but also makes you reflect on the intricacies of human connection, “Be There For You” is the track you don’t want to miss. Listen now, and experience the magic of Cluster of Three for yourself.