Duplexity, comprised of teen siblings Savannah and Luke Judy, isn’t just your average indie rock duo – they’re a powerhouse of talent and passion. Hailing from Beverly Hills, these siblings have been honing their craft since childhood, transitioning seamlessly from the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry to the raw authenticity of the music scene. Their debut single, “Tolerant,” is a testament to their unwavering dedication to making a difference through their art. With a clear-cut message about our world leaders mishandling recent issues, delivered through infectious melodies and electrifying instrumentals, Duplexity is proving that age is just a number when it comes to making an impact.
But “Tolerant” isn’t just a song; it’s a call to action for listeners to stand up and demand change. In a world where the voices of the youth are often overlooked, Duplexity is using their platform to amplify their message and inspire others to join the fight for a better tomorrow. So, tune in, turn up the volume, and let the music of Duplexity ignite the fire of activism within you. Together, we can make a difference – starting with a simple click to stream “Tolerant” and spread its powerful message far and wide.
INSTAGRAM: DUPLEXITY (@duplexityband) • Instagram photos and videos