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Ellis Hadlock Music Presents a New Therapeutic Album Titled, “Timeless Moods”

Ellis Hadlock Timeless Moods

Ellis Hadlock is an established music producer with a lifetime love of music and an excellent ear for sound who has earned a name for himself as an outstanding performer. He’s renowned for the passionate manner he fleshes out his exquisite musical compositions, which result in distinct heartfelt rhythms. Listeners regard him as honest because he draws inspiration from almost anything and turns it into lovely tunes. He has recorded and produced over 15 albums, with more on the way this year and beyond.

Ellis Hadlock has always been driven by not only passion but the impact that music itself brings and it is his dream to positively impact the world with his stunning creations one song at a time. Leveraging on the vast ambient space and delving deep into the solitude of the universe, an 8-track album, “Timeless Moods” was born. With nothing but expressive melodies that speak directly to your heart and soul even without the lyrics, this is an absolute therapeutic album to lose yourself to throughout the over 31 minutes!

The cover art is beautiful and tells of the classic inspiration behind the album. “Memories Inside” is the opening track of this album and it is a very soulful and emotion-filled melody. This is the best tune to study to or meditate through with the soothing piano sounds and added percussion exuding quietude and so refreshing you just want to get carried away by the melodies to wherever they choose to!

“Crystal Clear Solitude” is very deep with expressive freedom with some dreamy drops that keep on haunting and are felt deep into the brain of a listener. It is that kind of melody that transcends the ear’s grasp and you feel it with almost every sensitive sense that you have. Having that deep tissue massage with this playing in the background is undeniably the best feeling ever I could think of.

“The Look I see” has a laid-back cinematic intro with the enticing touch of the piano blended with some other telling scenes creating a storyline that is open for interpretation but gets a listener invested from the first minute all the way to the last one. This is the best music for those late-night introspections!

“Floating to Somewhere” is ethereally gratifying with meditation through time and space transformed into an enduring melody that whisks you away to a noiseless meditative adventure where you get to enjoy the peace within your own thoughts. It is very warm and chilling and exudes those tranquil vibes to get you feeling all the right moods.

“The Darker Way” is a literal musical odyssey that takes you on a journey of self-discovery where some of the harshest realities about life are exposed. It is very enticing and compelling and the type of tune you listen to with headphones on as you look into the boundless sky and introspect over anything worth introspecting. This tune is also open for interpretation but one thing remains crystal clear; it is very affecting and feels timeless!

“Steps of the past” is very nostalgic and takes you back to the good old times before all the calamities started bombarding the world. It is a time you’d wish to spend some time now and again and this track magically allows that.

“At one Heart” has that near-mystical effect- this tune is over 7 minutes long and takes you through a plethora of emotions with staggering innovation all through to keep you guessing and heavily invested. This is the best tune to lose all your worries to and relive within the realms of its comforting melodies and percussion!

This is a quality album that will have you feeling the best possible moods and I’m more than certain it will appeal to you as much as it did to me.

Follow the attached link so as to stream this album in its entirety and save these melodies to your favorite playlist. Follow Ellis Hadlock everywhere so as to support him in his music endeavors.

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Founder of Tunepical, a blog dedicated to sharing my love of music with you. I believe that music is the key to life, and if you're listening to the right songs at the right time, everything is possible!

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