For some time now, female singer Kelly Jett has been presenting the liveliest, most rhythmically vibrant, most melodically intricate, and most hope-filled music, which draws a diverse audience that spans generations. As a songwriter, Kelly has always been conscious and careful about the impact and power of the message of a song, which forms the basis for her songwriting. She takes cues from her life experiences and those of others to deliver subtle, romantic, and other times melancholic lyrics without forgetting to keep a catchy pop structure. What you get from Kelly is socially constructive music that is deeply relatable and easy to sing along to.
Kelly Jett has a new inspired ballad and danceable pop anthem titled, “Take Me With You” that was inspired by her Europe tour where she met and interacted with beautiful people who all left an indelible mark on her and this tune is a reflection of that longing and the reminiscent of the memories you share with someone and ones that you bring along with once you are no longer with them.
A delectably transcending pop anthem, this tune just takes off and whisks a listener to blissful places that feel joyful and nostalgic. Kelly Jett effortlessly invokes emotions without really straining for effort as she combines the dance energy of electro-pop with the understated melodic edge of EDM.
Her euphonious vocals are faultlessly powerful, and I just love the way she lets a listener savor the thickness and the variety of her stylistic caliber in this transcending masterpiece. By all standards, “Take Me With You” is an attractive and impeccable bouquet showcasing the remarkable talent of an affable master of musicianship who is not shy about displaying her astonishing musical gifts.
There is a great deal to enjoy from “Take Me With You,” and better still, if you’re a dance fanatic, this is one to get you dancing around your room like no one’s watching!
Keep it here and follow Kelly Jett everywhere so as to stay in the loop on this and her other upcoming projects.
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