Feels like traversing across the ocean, the water crashing against your feet, the same way it does against the rock—the feeling is amazing, the kind that not enough words can express. In case you are wondering what I am about, I am talking about Layer Music Project’s newest project “Secret Garden Volume 1.” In a fascinating ode to its title, any melomaniac will feel like they have just discovered a hidden gem, thanks to how indescribably beautiful this music is. The tracks are 13 in total and Layer Music Project does well to provide variety so that there is something for everyone.
Can you imagine yourself in the middle of a Bollywood film? If so, you know it is easy to get caught up in a dance scene and if that happens, then you can envision a dance masterpiece that will have you grooving with reckless abandon. That is exactly the case with the jam “Liquid Waves.” It is rhythmic and Indian flavored, its danceable rhythms and melodies the kind that boost the setting in any setting.
If you are feeling in a retrospective mood, then there is no better track to heighten the feeling than the opener “I Am Bare Beneath.” Its very essence is stunningly poetic, the deep words equally matched by the pensive beats. The song itself is very alluring, the vocals the very embodiment of ‘whispers of silence’ and guess what? There is a way it seamlessly transitions into the next jam “Union,” taking a listener by a pleasant surprise.
Piano-laden, “Union” is another introspective jam that hits all the right nerves and leaves a listener feeling it long after the final notes have melted away. “The Art of Touch” is deep and inviting, the vocals hauntingly beautiful and the kind that feels like striking embers of a gaping fire that is in the distance…very much like they are calling onto your soul.
Another danceable jam has to be “Little White Lies” which features some intricate and pulsating beats and basslines, meticulously layered to give the song a captivating cadence that is easy to dance along to.
Like I said, “Secret Garden Volume 1” has got everything you would need in an album—the contemplative and the driving melodies with memorable collaborations from artists such as Amelia, Emily, Vihaan Snigh, Chaiitanya and Srilakshmi making it a complete work of art that is just as haunting as it is immersive and engaging!
Take a closer dive into this sonic centerpiece and enjoy the project’s 38-minute’ runtime that will elope even before you know it!