Amidst the tumultuous aftermath of a global pandemic, emerges Pleasantville, a musical force led by Aaron David Gleason and Emma Freeman, offering solace and introspection through their latest single, “The Treetop.” Produced by Dan Gleason and featuring Ben Homola on drums, this poignant track serves as a beacon of hope in uncertain times. As Gleason, a seasoned veteran of the New York music and theater scene, joins forces with Freeman, a multi-talented singer, songwriter, actor, and model, their collaboration produces a sound that is equal parts moody and joyful, bold yet introspective.
“The Treetop” invites listeners to delve into the depths of their own existential crises while embracing the healing power of music. As the haunting melodies and introspective lyrics wash over audiences, a sense of catharsis ensues, reminding us that amidst uncertainty, there is still beauty to be found. Join Pleasantville on their journey of self-discovery and renewal, and let “The Treetop” be your guide through the tumult of modern life. Embrace the music, embrace the message, and together, let’s find solace in the branches of hope that reach skyward, towards a brighter tomorrow.