In the evocative world of The Ryan Express, their latest sonic journey, “Dents and Dings,” serves as a poignant chapter within the artist’s musical tapestry. Akin to a sonic time machine, the song effortlessly transports listeners back to the raw and edgy soundscapes of 90’s alternative rock. This melodic powerhouse is not merely a track but a profound exploration into the depths of human emotion, a journey that unfolds across the entirety of The Ryan Express’s latest album, “Underground.”
Crafted entirely by the hands and heart of Ryan Hubener at the Fountainworks Recordings studio, “Dents and Dings” emerges as a standout tribute. Rooted in the artist’s personal experience of loss and fueled by an inside joke shared with a departed friend, the song becomes an intimate homage. As it reverberates through the airwaves, it carries the weight of shared memories and genuine connection. The evolution of The Ryan Express over the years, from acoustic beginnings to the fully realized sound of “Underground,” showcases not just musical growth but an unwavering commitment to authenticity.
As the notes of “Dents and Dings” echo in the air, inviting listeners into this emotive journey, there’s an undeniable invitation to dive deeper. The raw, powerful, and melodic nature of The Ryan Express’s music beckons us to immerse ourselves fully in the experience. The call to action is clear: let the music wash over you, explore the entire album, and join the communion of souls touched by this genuinely refreshing sound.