The Unfortunates are a Canadian-based music band that is deeply obsessed with producing upbeat and inspirational alternative rock jams. This five-man wrecking crew has been producing hit after hit for the last 13 years after meeting at a coincidental gig that turned out to be their birthplace. Although each member of this legendary ensemble has a different melodic inspiration, their collective musical aptitude has enabled them to create rainbow-like music that expresses synergistic beauty without eliminating individual distinctiveness. If artistic unity were a planet, The Unfortunates would undoubtedly be the celestial orbit of its revolution.
At their best, this well-versed rock gang can steal your heart away with their awe-inspiring grunge tunes that have earned them numerous international awards over the last decade. The danceable ditty from their 2018 record, “The Unfortunates”, saw them rise to the pinnacle of the global music charts as it was named, “Album of the Year” during the pandemic-ridden 2020. Most of their loyal fans credit this rise to the lyrical brilliance, instrumental symphony, and abundant passion that have characterized their music over the years.
This is why it breaks my heart to announce this band’s artistic epilogue as they plan for a farewell show on 18th November 2022, at The Starlite Room in Edmonton AB, Canada. Although the apocalypse has been a long time coming, you can still enjoy the music of frontman Tanner Gordon, whose career is currently skyrocketing. The only other way for fans to hold on to The Unfortunates’ invigorating sound is to soak themselves in their final single,” First Flame From Home’, which is the anthem for their imminent valediction. It would only be fitting to choose such a track for their final bow because it was the highlight of their chart-topping album a couple of years back.
The acoustic guitar strums that unveil this timeless noel are a perfect canvas to paint the fading horizon of this pop group’s sunset days. I can already see thousands swaying to this anthem’s sweet-sounding groove with tears of exhilarating joy and untold sadness freely flowing down their cheeks. The melancholic undertones that breathe life into this song’s hi-hat and snare beats will for once be speaking death over the renowned careers of these modern-day veterans. The cherry on the cake will be the literary genius that will be engraved on the hearts of loyal supporters as they bid goodbye to the exceptional sounds of intrigue and inspiration that they have grown accustomed to. It should be taboo to even think of missing out on such a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For more details, stay in touch with The Unfortunates using the social media links below.
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