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Musical star and LGBTQ activist Van Hechter ignites a magical spark with his “Hot Damn” EP

A true champion of music and causes that are dear to his heart, such as LGBTQ people and giving back to the community, Van Hechter not only showcases his incredible musicianship but also his mammoth heart, kindheartedness, and overall gracious personality. When he is not in the studio cooking some highly danceable and singable anthems, you can find him working out in his gym, spreading awareness about sexual inclusivity and tolerance, or performing passionately in front of joyous music fans who resonate with his uncontainable energy as much as his charming personality. Now that you have a genuine idea of the kind of person Hechter is, I think it’s only right we delve deep into his newest EP, dubbed “Hot Damn,” that showcases not only his artistic prowess but also versatility and authenticity. This collection is nothing short of musical ingenuity!

With 7 tracks and spanning 20 minutes, Van Hechter takes us on a sonic odyssey inspired by the celebration of life by transforming its adversities and heartbreaks into fuel to reclaim greatness and be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be.

The title track, “Hot Damn,” encapsulates the album’s melodic and thematic essence. If there is one word I’d use to describe the track, then I’d say “Broadway,” but in a musical sense. The jam has an unmistakable pop quality, with the unmissable funky rhythms and strong, soulful vocal leads showcasing Hechter’s range. The captivating instruments combine to create a lively, danceable, and soulful sound as the lyrics inspire you to lose all the worries in the world and move with thoughtless abandon. For me, this is the kind of jam that you stumble upon and immediately consult your music identifying apps and features because it hits a raw spot right away.

“No Answer’s Not An Answer” immediately conjures up those good old times with its palpable nostalgia as the funky grooves and warm, most certainly breezy instrumentals wrap around you like a warm embrace. The tune is laden with catchy and infectious hooks with some hip-hop and rap sensibilities as it progresses, elevating its likeable appeal. The discernible brass instruments underscore the track’s punchy stabs and melodic lines.

“Nothing Can Bring Me Down” is a defiant anthem for moving on from a toxic relationship and afforming your newfound shatterproof personality. The gist in the critically acclaimed “Electrical Blue” rests on its syncopated bass lines that provide the groove and backbone of the track as the catchy hooks “hear the bassline, I’m dancing, dancing just dancing,” making it an irresistible anthem. The driving electro-pop melodies are captivating and energetic, resonating cheerfully in a listener’s mind and body as the stunning vocal harmonies make a listener get drawn to the jam even more.

The track “Pick Yourself Up” features a strong beat with a focus on the hi-hat and snare, creating a danceable rhythm as the keyboards and synthesizers add extra rhythm and flavor. For example, when the song is over, you have no option but to press rewind and get immersed in its hauntingly beautiful feel all over again!

A stunning blend of catchy, danceable grooves and uplifting lyrics, “Hot Damn” is the kind of music that you need, especially now that the world has burdened you and its weight feels like it’s too much to carry. Let Van Hechter sing to your heart and soul as the danceable and groovy funky rhythms and dance melodies concocted by the lush instrumentals motivate you to dance and forget your troubles…even if at least for the moment.

Hechter will soon be going on a widespread tour across Montreal, Paris and the East Coast of USA to promote this album. For exclusive details, follow him on Instagram @vanhechter.

Stream “Hot Damn” and if it doesn’t hurt, be generous enough to recommend it to a friend or two.

Catch Up With Van Hechter on:

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Founder of Tunepical, a blog dedicated to sharing my love of music with you. I believe that music is the key to life, and if you're listening to the right songs at the right time, everything is possible!

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