For all the moments that brought us here, hers will always stand out for it is not your ordinary happy moment, this moment has been custom made for you in that Hollywood manner to capture your attention, get you on the edge of your seat, awe you, captivate your imagination and senses with heightened allure in that way your favorite film did – and who better do it than one who is used to being in the big screens; Veronica Farren is one extraordinarily talented iron lady with a heart of gold and a mammoth heart. It feels like everything she touches turns to gold – you know she has that Midas touch. In her own staggering wisdom, she has now decided to paint our holidays with that melodic Christmas theme song, “Christmas like this” which is a stupendous tantalizing tune in all standards. And I for once didn’t imagine she could sing so well! The way she captures the tune’s presence with a towering command in her vitality and delivers the feel-good vibe Christmas-themed succinct lyrics is nothing short of a masterclass.
“I wish you a Christmas like this” makes you want it all with the lively and exceptionally balanced instrumentation to give it the fondness of a great beat calibrated by meaningful and catchy lyrics and the theme of festivities which hold an eternal attraction to any listener anywhere in this extremely humongous continent who will undoubtedly resonate with the lyricism having gone through an year that was challenging on many fronts and now they are just glad that they are alive to witness this magical moment – for these are the moments we live for.
With the emphasis firmly on musicianship, her expressive vocal performance with a detailed focuses on Christmas theme as the driving authentic theme, conjures up to the electric pop vibes and she performs with an aura of exceptionality. Some of the sincere and artistically expressed lyrics include,
I can’t even imagine where I’d rather be.
I see smiles, I hear laughter,
I’m basking in that happiness that captures us on Christmas.
Can you feel it?
It’s Christmas spirit!
I wish you a Christmas like this…”
The danceable rhythm that has been imbued in the instrumentation also means that you get to dance with exhilarated abandon while singing to its memorable words that resonate deep and true. This is passionately crafted music that will move you and curve an indelible footprint on your mind, heart and soul. For such ingenuity, we can only thank God for Veronica’s existence for she is truly a gem who is making the world a better place to live in with her genuine gifts.
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