She is a savage, sassy, classy, and bougie coming through in her own unique swagger and promising tantalizing non-stop entertainment; XO_WR3CKL3SS (wreckless) is a female artist who was born in San Diego, California before later moving to Las Vegas when she was 19 years old. She is coming to wreak havoc with her energetic and hard-hitting explicit musical style that will find itself at home among the hard-core music fans and fans of modern underground hip-hop and trap club music! Listening to her and she evokes the kind of vibe I get off of Megan Thee Stallion – which is to say that she is actually a badass who will demand the industry’s attention in no time! She’s discovered a new way to express herself through music. – whether it is in writing, dancing, comedy skits, Tik Tok, and even storytelling. It does not matter what but using music as her channel to connect to the outer world is what has always kept her feeling alive.
Her producer and big brother Trevlè played a vital role in encouraging, influencing, and pushing her to pursue music as a career and she has finally decided to take that next step largely thanks to him! Her debut club track and party anthem “Bend That Sh*t Ova” was also produced, mixed, and mastered by her brother Trevlè who did a fantastic job of putting everything together and making the various elements stick to come up with an energetic and danceable track that whisks the listener away.
The Intro is heavily served like some buffet in a state banquet at some Buckingham Palace as a listener is spoilt for choice with the expressive instrumentations that carry with them their danceable elements starting with the booming kicks and bass, the shaky drums, and other atmospheric percussive instruments that add tremendous depth and color to the track compelling one to stand and dance along with reckless abandon!
XO_WR3CKL3SS’ vocals are ready for the task and take charge, being influential and commanding through the instrumentation with clarity and authority. Her explicit bars make this a marvelous hedonistic track that would slap to the feet’s bones in a lively club somewhere in Las Vegas! There is a real talent to her craft, lyricism, and delivery and this track is worth a shot in the musical sphere. Follow the attached link, stream it and tell us what you think about the track.
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