In the heart of Jerusalem, amidst the bustling streets and ancient alleyways, resides a musical visionary on a mission to redefine the boundaries of sound. Yosef Gutman, a former tech entrepreneur turned composer, has emerged as a beacon of creativity in the world of ambient instrumental music. Raised on a remote farm in South Africa and educated at Berklee College of Music, Gutman’s journey has been one of transformation and reinvention. After a decade-long hiatus from music, during which he delved into the world of technology, Gutman returned to his true passion with a newfound sense of purpose. His latest offering, “The World And Its People,” is a testament to his unwavering commitment to musical exploration and emotional expression.
But this isn’t just music; it’s an invitation to embark on a sonic journey unlike any other. “The World And Its People” is more than just a collection of melodies; it’s a gateway to another dimension, where the boundaries between listener and creator dissolve into the ether. With each ethereal chord and haunting refrain, Gutman invites us to lose ourselves in the beauty of the human experience, to connect with something greater than ourselves. So close your eyes, open your ears, and let the music of Yosef Gutman transport you to a world of infinite possibilities. Join the adventure today and discover the magic of “The World And Its People.”
INSTAGRAM: Yosef Gutman Levitt (@yosefgutman) • Instagram photos and videos