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Independent artist Carnate_X continues living his dream with yet another immersive and mood-evoking masterpiece, “Reflections.”

Music touches us emotionally where nothing else can, and for one Carnate_X, music has always been his first love—the thing he ran into to seek sanctuary when everything else didn’t make sense. He would just put on his headphones and seek music to alleviate all forms of loneliness. This in itself turned out to be a sort of saving grace because he was exposed to so many different musical influences just out of curiosity. He would just turn on his favorite artists’ music for comfort, seeking sanctuary in their art, and now he feels that he can relate to everyone, just on a basic human level, because we all share similar feelings by virtue of being human, and this is what makes his artistry uniquely different.

Carnate_X appreciates life in a different way now and wishes to ignite that sense of excitement within others—he wants to somehow save people from themselves, just as other artists have done for him. He wants to inspire people to spend their precious time doing something that they love rather than dreading their existence.

I have been listening to his music so far and I am intrigued; Carnate_X possesses a wide range of musicality that offers a little something for each generation. I actually would be lying if I said I knew the genre the tune “Reflections” lies in, and while I am no renowned aficionado, this tune is genre-defying, and that is what makes it so compelling!

Its strong features lie in its haunting vibe; I can still feel his performance ringing fresh in my ears several minutes after I last listened to it. There is just something about that bass that is hypnotizing, and when you add his colorfully unique voice to the mix, you just don’t want that feeling to stop!

And can I just say that this track gives me those kinds of memories that I didn’t even know existed in the first place. This is the kind of track that pins you to a place and time that will trigger memories that will stay with you forever.

With a strong desire to succeed on the music front, Carnate_X is continuing to do what he loves most—following his passion and never looking back. His persistent approach, fortitude, and inspired energy will undoubtedly lead to something; for now, every feat he achieves, no matter how small, counts for something big on the way.

Follow the attached to stream “Reflections” and also make camp to listen to his other ear worming tracks!




Written By

Founder of Tunepical, a blog dedicated to sharing my love of music with you. I believe that music is the key to life, and if you're listening to the right songs at the right time, everything is possible!

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