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Making New Waves With a Unique Blend of Rap Called Nerdcore Is the Indisputable Duo Going by the Name of InternetCity

InternetCity Burn Up

Coming together for the purposes of doing music is the matchless duo InternetCity made up of genuinely talented artists and YouTubers, InternetAaron and InternetMikey. Having developed an undeniable liking for rap music and nerdcore influences from anime, video games, movies, and cartoons among other things, they saw it fit to come together and push the rap culture in the best and most unique ways they know how and so far so good. Their style has definitely been widely received with so many listeners intrigued by their dynamic style and sound that is effortlessly likable really.

Their Spotify channel for example boasts of over 15k monthly listeners with the musical content they have posted so far amassing over half a million streams already. They have their eyes fixated on the top price and will not rest until they push their sound to each and every corner of the world.

To give you a glimpse of their culturally inspired sound is of course their latest single, “Burn Up (Dabi Rap) – a straight anthem from the top to the bottom and one that gets you really vibing euphorically as you get immersed in a rap world brimming with infectious hooks, clever wordplay and video-game visualized theme all around right from that stunningly creative cover art that gives ode to a 3-D inspired video game that really has someone ready to “Burn Up” literally!

This is stunning innovation and invention at its best and I feel that up until this moment InternetCity’ s achievement rests on solid determination and commendable work ethic that is surely being appreciated by listeners everywhere.

To know more about the artists, you can follow them individually through the attached social handles and keep tabs on them. Follow the attached link so as to stream the deservedly acclaimed songs from their remarkable catalog!

Catch Up With InternetAaron on:

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InternetMikey on:

Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie" Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie"

Written By

Founder of Tunepical, a blog dedicated to sharing my love of music with you. I believe that music is the key to life, and if you're listening to the right songs at the right time, everything is possible!

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