Armed with style and fashion and capping it off with charisma is the dedicated performer, singer and songwriter Lester Sanchez who was born in Puerto Rico moved to Texas before finally settling in Florida. Music has been the mainstay of his life and his has worked his way to the top with some top-charting bangers to show for it. With still lots of energy to spare, the sky is more than the limit for Lester Sanchez; – he is aiming for the whole space. Quincy Jamal is a recording artist and lyricist who is currently based in the Atlanta Metropolitan area.
The both of them have done other projects together and when they reunited again, the old chemistry between them was sparked and as Lester Sanchez describes, Quincy is really easy to work with and somehow understands the dynamics and fits in perfectly behind any musical idea Sanchez always has on board; in short they complement each other perfectly.
The duo got into the studio and the result of that is one ageless masterpiece dubbed, “Down For Me.” If you are a straight-shooter and go for what you want without wasting time, this is the epic tune to bang to as you approach that shawty you have been checking out for a while now. Breaking the boundaries present in old-school and urban R&B in desirable ways, “Down For Me” is tasty and catchy as hell!
I love how the track operates between magical moments of nostalgia and modernity; the instruments are R&B quintessential with a steady bassline that drives the rhythm to near perfection. Lester Sanchez’s sweet-sounding and smooth-talking vocals melt over the instrumentation like butter as he divers the verses so effortlessly and cap the performance with catchy hooks that invite a listener to sing along.
Quincy Jamal complements this track with resounding precision; coming through with his theme-perfect rap-inspired rhymes over the beguiling instrumentation; unleashing his lyrical panache for all who care to listen. He is calm, mature, and confident, and such is the trait that gives this track an edge over any type of track I have listened to lately.
With longevity in mind, I am beyond doubt that, “Down For Me” will still feel the same way a decade from now; to listen to this masterpiece- follow the attached link, add it as a favorite and share it with other listeners around you.
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