It’s sometimes hard to precisely describe the kind of feeling a song gives you, & yet it’s sometimes easy to pinpoint the exact moment you know that you have fallen in love with a song. With M.A.I.N.’s “Johnny No Good,” it’s kind of a mixture between these two feelings because it exudes an inexpressibly beautiful emotion in a listener, and you can pinpoint that exact moment where the gentle guitar flourishes backed by his distinctly flavored singing vocals get you hooked into the song, and from then on, you simply feel one and the same with the performance.
The gentleness of the introduction with the mellifluent foundation as M.A.I.N.’s equally smooth and expressive vocals tell a heartfelt story injects the song with a candid R&B vibe that is heartwarming and soul-stirring.
The soulful smoothness and gentle feel are allowed to thrive as M.A.I.N. sings his way into a listener’s heart while establishing his diversity and range, and around 1:37, the deep, bouncing, hip-hop colored beats are let loose, elevating the song’s vibe but still maintaining its core emotive and agreeable tone and structure.
The song has also been laden with a haunting hook that sticks in the mind long after the beat fades away. The exquisite guitar melodies serve as the track’s instrumental backbone and give it that sweet-sounding feel that in turn aids the contemplative vibe the song exudes.
At the end of your listening experience, you will feel that you have listened to something moving and one that you would like to feel again and again. It is not every day that you encounter such soul-stirring music that has been delivered exactly how you like it so when you do, you better savor and soak it all in.
I have no doubt that a listener will find “Johnny No Good” immensely listenable as M.A.I.N. establishes himself as more than just a rapper but an artist who can fit in any type of production with effortless ease.
Add this song to your library and follow M.A.I.N. @_m.a.i.n_ to stay in the loop on his upcoming projects.