Boy Destiny is coming through armed with the keys to success and if anything, this young prodigious creator is the artist to look out for and from whatever I have gathered a force to reckon with. Apart from being a gifted rapper and singer, he is also an ardent dancer. At only 17 years old, he is already doing what most of us could only dream of. He is aiming for more than just the stars and he wants to spread great vibes and positive inspirational messages by using his gifts in singing and rapping. In this world, you, therefore, get thoroughly entertained and appropriately educated!
The single, “Message” is simply as the title suggests; this is just more than the endearing melodies and the ear-grabbing lyrical performance, at its core a very deep, “message” is being passed on here- a powerful message to remind you of how great you are and how no one should tell you otherwise. This is a reassuring message to the titan deep within each one of us is and nothing can change that- especially not people’s opinion of us because they’re just that- opinions!
In this track he displays that he has got that mojo in him to deliver when need be heavily influenced by hip-hop elegance, he drops a masterclass on the mic with his certified bars feeling very Caribbean-like as he floats over the instrumentation; milly-rocking over the beats in his own unique ways.
This track is a reminder for everyone to release the limiting beliefs that have been forged on us or the ones we have forged on ourselves and let go of all the negative energy and mediocrity so as to become who we were meant to be.
The beats here are abundant and reflect a very candid hip-hop feel and the way they warm themselves over a listener is an engrossing detail worth mentioning.
The music video was in collaboration with the NFT project and has so far garnered over 2.5 K views on YouTube- it is a simple yet expressive one showcasing Boy Destiny just delivering the bars from his heart.
Follow the attached link so as to watch this tune- add it as a favorite and leave a comment below on how the track makes you feel!
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