Nothing quite sticks like family; family is love, pride, and belonging. Despite everything, we all turn to family when things get hard and bad and we commemorate those joyous moments with family. So no matter how you see it, family is the beginning, the middle, and the end of a meaningful life cycle and is what makes life worth living. What would we be without family? This is a story of a black family, deep-rooted in their black roots and strengthened by their black unity- Chamblissnation; a family who has remained together despite the numerous adversities that have come their way. The tragedies might have shaken them a little bit, but they have remained steadfast in their unity, love, and belonging and the calamities have brought them even closer together. They epitomize black love and unity at its core!
A family that has seen their families members die from stray bullets, COVID -19 related complications and even cancer, they have chosen to exemplify family strength and union in moments of tragedies just like they do in moments of fortune and the vital lesson to take from this is that; family is everything and no matter what, we should always be there for those that matter most to us (another word for family!)
The Chamblissnation through their apparel and the “Chamblisnation anthem” Remix featuring most sort after Love & Hip-hop Atlanta Star Lil Scrappy offers to teach about family that radiates that depth of wisdom, purity of power, and that ingenious impact that is remarkable not only to the black community but to the worldwide community. The magnificence of the affecting melodies backed by heartfelt singing and the purity of the clean rap sections emphasize on that indestructible family connection that can never be broken no matter what- challenges, differences, and even drama come and go but family stands strong, resolute and undaunted!
The music video for this remix was released on Memorial Day, May 26th and it is in the very part family- the bond, the love, those family occasions bringing them all together, and most importantly the unity and faith that have kept them moving despite the pain and tragedies. This ensuing cinematography is an eye tearing emotional film that touches on the softest pores of your heart. All you can see is a happy and united family enjoying their Memorial Day and exuding that black family love and pride like it’s supposed to be!
This is a black family anthem that speaks of victory; from tragedy to triumph and from pain to purpose. Nothing else can come in between this bond. Follow the attached link and join the Chamblissnation- we are family, and we are all about family
Also, check out the Chamblissnation story at and be blessed while at it!