Xero Hour’s “Breaking Away” is the perfect mix of attitude, message, and sound. This track starts with a really strong melodic drum that is soon escorted by a thoughtfully hit bass, laying the perfect foundation for the track before the cognac-colored, near-raspy, and manly-sounding lead vocals serenade the listener’s heart and soul in equal measure.
And boom! The Xero Hour masters some sort of divine energy from whatever universe and unleashes a fascinatingly agonizing, adrenaline-rushing, and irresistibly contagious energy spearheaded by that break-away, well-coordinated riffs that vehemently blend with the pounding drums to steer a listener from sanity and give them a taste of insatiable lunacy!
And the instrumental prowess isn’t the only thing you will have to keep up with from this spectrum rock outfit…no no no; At its core, “Breaking Away” features bold and meaningful lyrics about literally ‘breaking away’ from the chains of a toxic relationship. This is an ode to finally standing up for yourself and choosing yourself and your mental health…choosing your own happiness and walking away from an undesirable situation, especially one that involves an abusive relationship and toxic love.
This is organic rock music in its raw form; I really cannot take anything away from this complete performance because it is simply spectacular. And we’re not even delved into that accompanying visually inspired lyrics video that perfectly conveys the narrative and essence of this track.
This is exactly how I remember my rock music: supercharged and brimming with unbridled passion and not shying away from confronting real societal issues in a manner that leaves everyone satisfied…even when they don’t really fancy the genre!
With that said, I feel that it is in order that you get acquainted with this 5-piece band fronted by Teej Leit that is admirably restoring the lost glory of hard rock with their powerful anthemic rock masterpieces flanked by meaningful and socially relevant lyricism at its core!
Follow the attached link, subscribe to Xero Hour’s YouTube channel, like this visually-inspired lyric video, share your thoughts under the comment section, and add this masterpiece to your playlist…in that order!
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